Teacher Training

Become a well-trained ballroom dance instructor!
Know and understand dancing better than you ever imagined and graduate with your diploma as a ballroom dance instructor. The Palomar Ballroom offers high-quality, in-depth dance training in a structured and affordable program.
This fun, but rigorous system methodically takes you through SEVENTEEN dances of the Dance Vision International Dance Association (DVIDA) Bronze American Syllabus for Smooth, Rhythm, and NightClub Dances in sixteen months.
The Program
In this course you will learn:
The 17 dances of the DVIDA Bronze American Syllabus for Smooth, Rhythm, and NightClub dances, and how to teach them
To dance as both leader and follower
Technical and musical elements of all the dances
How to teach group classes and private lessons in a professional manner with poise and confidence
How to prepare for class exams that will provide feedback on your progress
Dancing both Roles
In order to teach a specific dance or figure, you need to be able to articulate and demonstrate both the leader’s and follower’s part. We spend equal time in class working on both parts, and every student is expected to dance with every other student as both leader and follower, regardless of gender. This is standard practice for professional dance instruction. Because this is a teaching class, there is a strong emphasis on presentation. You will be expected to present material to the class on a regular basis. You may be asked to demonstrate a figure or to present a brief history of a specific dance. But not to worry, we hand out assignments in advance and you will have plenty of time to be prepared.
Class Times & Exam Schedule
Classes held Tuesday & Thursdays, from 7:30-9:30pm. Exams are scheduled to be held during regular class times. If you miss an exam, you may schedule a make-up exam with a faculty teacher (for an additional private lesson fee). Students may join the program at the beginning of any quarter, they may take the entire program, or just the quarter(s) of most interest.
Each class meets a total of 4 hours a week per section. Most students spend quite a bit of time every week studying the material and practicing what they have learned. Though the amount of outside time varies greatly from student to student, please expect to commit one hour of study time for every hour you spend in class (about four hours of study time per week). Becoming a dance teacher takes dedication and practice.
The DVIDA Manuals and the Teacher’s Training Binder are required textbooks for the course. The accompanying DVIDA videos are recommended, but optional. The DVIDA Bronze Manuals and videos are available from Dance Vision and may be ordered online at www.dancevision.com. The Teacher’s Training Binder is provided in class and costs a one-time fee of $85.00. It includes all class handouts that are distributed over the entire program.
Tuition is currently $475 per month with a non-refundable $100 enrollment fee to register for class.
Class Size
Class size is currently limited to 8 people.
All students will need to have proper dance shoes by the second class meeting. To teach dance, you need the “right tool for the job,” and proper dance shoes are literally the foundation for your dancing! There are different styles of dance shoes for different styles of dancing, but most students wear a basic “practice shoe,” a practical and durable suede-soled dancing shoe that is made to be comfortable and wearable for long periods of time.
This is a professional level course, and we cover a lot of material at a fairly fast pace. Missing class is not advised, as you can easily fall behind. If you do have to miss a class, you can generally arrange to work with one of the other students to help you catch up. You can also schedule private lessons with one of the faculty members of the Santa Cruz Ballroom Dance Teachers Academy (for an additional private lesson fee) to make up any work you miss.
During the course, those enrolled will be allowed to take the group classes at the Palomar Ballroom for free, given that they lead or follow as needed in the class. Dance is a dynamically growing industry. IF YOU WANT to dance with your heart, feel the music and would love to create a beautiful collage on the floor then this is the right vocational choice for you. Additional outcomes will be dancing in shows, special exhibitions, and future DanceSport Competitions with your students or even professionally! And most of all, making money doing something you love!
Faculty – Jeremy Pilling
Jeremy has been teaching and performing ballroom for over 18 years and has been dancing socially all his life. He has had training in Salsa, dance theater, Latin and ballroom, and now specializes in American Rhythm, American Smooth, International Latin, Nightclub and Salsa. His ballroom training comes from several national champions and finalists. His teaching style is very technique-oriented, while still achieving the goal of having fun. He enjoys teaching both social and competitive students and couples, and also teaches teachers at the Santa Cruz Ballroom Dance Teachers Academy. He is the director of Rhythm Fever dance company, an exciting all female Latin dance company.
Jeremy enjoys competing Pro/Am with his students and has both a World Champion and National Champion student. Jeremy was a former professional competitor in American Rhythm with his partner Julie Goldman. Together, Jeremy and Julie won several Rising Star Rhythm and Open Professional Rhythm competitions. In addition to his dance training, Jeremy has a B.S. in Sport Science and was also a certified personal trainer.